the whole world...

The book is about a woman's journey to find the balance between enjoying life and being devoted to God, and she takes a year off to travel the world, looking for the answers. I'm only in the first section right now (Italy), but I was surprised at how much a writer can take you with them, just by sharing their experiences in detail... I almost feel like I've been to Italy.
I also appreciate my friends that have travelled several countries this summer and have taken me with them (through their blog). I love to travel--exploring how beautifully diverse this whole planet is--the places, cultures, people... so many beautiful people.
I think thats why I love living here in metro Phoenix, and working down at ASU... there's so much more culture (especially compared to the small midwest town I loved living in for 20 years). There's definitely better food: tons of Mediterranian, Thai, a cute little Irish pub/restaurant, fabulous sushi, and my new favorite... Ethopian.
But I've realized that not only has my taste in food expanded, but so has my view of the world. I was thinking the other day that out of all my closest designer friends here at ASU, several of them are from other countries--India, Lebannon, London. And its the life stories of such friends that really expand your view.
Then I stumbled and this video last week... check it out:
Pangea Day... what a beautiful idea.
When you have time, make sure you check out Jehane's TED wish (under About Pangea Day).
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