
moments of tension...

I was listening to the most recent Relevant Magazine podcast today which had the second half of an interview with Donald Miller (32:00 - end). There were many ideas that he mentioned that I really want to wrap my life around, but one in particular has already changed me.

It surprised me at how Don responded to the Relevant guys when they asked him about people who criticize his writings. I'll let you listen to his response for yourself. But I absolutely loved his old roommate's view of conflict. Don asked him how he is able to be so loving and peaceful towards everyone he interacts with. And his roommate answered, "I see every moment of tension as a challenge. That some force is trying to get me to not be a loving person, and I don't want that force to win."

Can you imagine how drastically different our culture, and sub-cultures, would be if we all thought like that??


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