
thoughts from above...

...actually, not as far above as you may think. I'm really talking about thoughts coming from the fourth floor of the Foundation Building at ASU... thoughts from President Crow.

Michael Crow spoke at the Aslan Society luncheon last week, and it was refreshing to hear his honest thoughts about rather big issues. He was even somewhat vulnerable about his own past, and his biggest struggles on campus. Many of the things he said, reverated off my own spirit, but the one that lingers even now is how "grace is a state of mind..."

And thanks to the guys over at the Applied Learning Technologies Institute for making the podcast available.


moments of tension...

I was listening to the most recent Relevant Magazine podcast today which had the second half of an interview with Donald Miller (32:00 - end). There were many ideas that he mentioned that I really want to wrap my life around, but one in particular has already changed me.

It surprised me at how Don responded to the Relevant guys when they asked him about people who criticize his writings. I'll let you listen to his response for yourself. But I absolutely loved his old roommate's view of conflict. Don asked him how he is able to be so loving and peaceful towards everyone he interacts with. And his roommate answered, "I see every moment of tension as a challenge. That some force is trying to get me to not be a loving person, and I don't want that force to win."

Can you imagine how drastically different our culture, and sub-cultures, would be if we all thought like that??


bonsai tree

In my office here at ASU, I have a little bonsai tree sitting next to my computer. I've had this little tree for over a year now, but today I couldn't help but think about the deeper meaning that I see in our connection.

You see, in the beautifully poetic way, this tree and I are very much the same: in being so confined (me in this life, her in that little 4” ceramic pot), both of us so dependant on the life-giving force of water (hers from me, and mine from the living water of the Spirit) and how we both have a purpose in this earth to give life back (she takes my carbon dioxide and gives me back oxygen, and hopefully I am doing the same for the people around me in the spirit... taking spiritual carbon dioxide (bitterness, depression, hopelessness) and letting the Spirit change that to spiritual oxygen (hope, truth, grace).


she died.

Yeah... a couple months ago, I was really overwhelmed with work and unfortunately neglected her.... and she dried up.

I still keep her by my desk, to remind me how important it is to be nourished *every day* by the spirit... or else, my fate will be the same as hers--dried up... stiff... sharp.... and *painful to touch.* The same way we are when we are bitter, negative and full of ourselves; when we are empty of life... and empty of the Spirit.

So... may we always be soft,
and well-watered,
and continually giving back life.